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Must Have Apps for Your iPhone 6

Apple's most awaited iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus has been out with its new operating system that's new iOS 8 and it also offers new possibilities for app developers. Listed are some great apps that are worth checking out for your iPhone 6:

Must Have Apps for Your iPhone 6

VSCO suggests Visual Supply Company which has taken digital photography to its new heights. This app VSCO offers the advance camera controls which has made exclusively for iOS 8. users can take control on camera with its manual focus, shutter speed, white balance and exposure. This app has been integrated with VSCO grid and is super simple to use and also it comes with easy to use publishing platform.


Planning a trip faster and in easiest way can be done in very short notice with having Hipmunk in your iPhone which is having unique interface and it saves your time and money. Not only this, it also helps to find some great deals on travel options. Users can seek their flights, trains, hotel check ins and even any alternate accommodations like Airbnb and Homeaway.


Kindle App sounds great for your phone or tablet for book-reading. Amazon has now started to create some great features for iOS 8. The widget for Kindle Today keeps the users to keep three books for its easy reading. This also allows the users to copy and paste the text which you are reading and also supports the quick translations.


Its for the first time that Apple is allowing apps that retool the keyboard on its own device. There are several others to choose from. Among other tools of customization, Swype is known to be the best which allows users to drag their fingers from letter to letter. Some great apps like Flesky and Swiftkey are also worth to look for.

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